Idea copied from
Most every morning, I wake up around 7:30-8am. Buddha usually wakes up with me. Sometimes he is too exhausted, so he stays in the bed by himself while I get ready for work.

When he decides to wake up with me, he insists on sitting in the bathroom while I take my shower. He just sits there patiently on the bathroom mat, waiting for me to get done. Sometimes he falls back asleep. If I don't let him in the bathroom while I do this, he freaks out and may potentially wake up my roommates.
As I get ready to head out, Buddha turns his "somber face" on and does not stop staring at me. He knows I'm going to leave. We take a short walk, I give him a peanut butter Kong, and then I leave. Luckily I don't work too many hours each day (3-4) so he's not alone too long!