Saturday, May 26, 2007

i'm famous!

Below is the beginning of a play written by Brooke, based on the picture.



SETTING: Probably takes place around 1940. That's why it's in black and white.

CHARACTER SKETCH: CINDY is a well- educated musician hailing from the South Dakota farmland. She studied at Yale and Harvard, and is well-versed in Czechoslovakian lore. BUDDHA speaks, thinks, and acts with a Scottish accent despite his Eastern descent.

CINDY: Well, it's just you and me, kid.
BUDDHA: [silence]

To be continued...

End scene.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

hey all! buddha here. life has been exciting. i start out every morning at 7-7:30am when i lick mom's face until she wakes up. she takes me outside to go potty. i'm getting a little better about going outside. i still go inside but i can't help it (the doctor says i have a little bladder infection). on mom's days off, we go to castlewood park and play in the creek and run around. it's awesome.

i'm happy to report that i have found a girlfriend. here's a picture of us:
i know she's not much to look at, but we have a deep spiritual connection. mom keeps telling me that she's not a real dog. that she's stuffed full of cotton. she just says that because she thinks i'm too young to be in love.

well, i'm gonna go take a nap now. with grandma.

fun with polaroid



Thursday, May 3, 2007

devious and defiant

the older i get, the worse my manners. mom tries to train me, but i still continue to poop and pee wherever and whenever i darn well please. i realize that i am supposed to go outside, and i do, but i go inside as well because i feel like it. i also continue to bite and nip constantly. i do what i want!

(i can get away with anything because i am so adorable)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

3 months

I am 3 months old today!